Rosenberg Italia Srl
Ita Eng
EC FAN GRID 2 (002)
You are here: Home / Applications / ECFanGrid / REDUNDANT - COMPACT - FLEXIBLE


The retrofitting of existing systems, especially the replacement of fans, has an huge energy saving potential. At the same time, today's fan technology can sustainably improve plant availability, maintenance and the building climate.

By replacing old, inefficient fans with modern, energy-efficient EC fans, up to 50% of energy and CO2 can be saved, depending on the building and system. Of course, this is also reflected in lower operating and energy costs - at relatively low investment costs: While the share of a fan in the investment costs of an HVAC system is a maximum of 3%, its share in the operating costs is up to 70%.

Numerous retrofit examples from various types of non-residential buildings - from hotels to airports - show that the payback period for a fan replacement is on average only between two and five years, depending on the system and building.


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Rosenberg Italia Srl - Z.I.P.R. Via Armenia, 10 - 33078 San Vito al Tagliamento (PN) - Tel.: +39.0434.85445 - Fax: +39.0434.85475 - P.IVA 01131350934
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