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Explosion proof fans

Explosion proof fans

The Directive 94/9/EG (ATEX 100a) governs the subject of “Explosion Protection” throughout the European Union. Regulations referring to placing products on the market to be utilised in areas with potentially explosive atmospheres are established in this specific directive. Rosenberg fans are designed in an explosion-proof version, manufactured and tested in accordance with the requirements of the following standards:

EN 1127-1         Explosive atmospheres - Basic concepts and methodology
EN 13463-1       Non-electrical equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres,
                           part 1 Basic method and requirements
EN 13463-5       Non-electrical equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres,
                           part 5 Protection by constructional safety "c"
EN 14986          Design of fans working in potentially explosive atmospheres


The product range includes ex-centrifugal, ex-axial, ex-duct, ex-roof and ex-tube fans. For detailed information on explosion-protected fans in the Rosenberg range, see the chapter on Ex-fans in the catalogue "World of Fans."

Catalogue: World of fans (Standard fans) - File PDF: 19.66 MB


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Rosenberg Italia Srl - Z.I.P.R. Via Armenia, 10 - 33078 San Vito al Tagliamento (PN) - Tel.: +39.0434.85445 - Fax: +39.0434.85475 - P.IVA 01131350934
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