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Ventilation and air handling units for residential buildings series Suprabox

Ventilation and air handling units for residential buildings series Suprabox

SupraBox COMFORT (H) with horizontal connections


For a pleasant feeling of well-being

The Rosenberg SupraBox COMFORT energy recovery units are space-saving and distinguished primarily by their high energy efficiency. They provide an energy-saving ventilation system for real estate such as restaurants, retail shops, hotels, office buildings and many more. As a horizontal (H) connection option, the SupraBox COMFORT units are available in 6 sizes with different nominal air flow rates. These range from 800 - 5,000 m³/h.

Depending on local conditions, you can choose between a left and a right unit design for each size. There are also weatherproof designs available.

Right design:             Supply air connection RIGHT (facing the operator side)
Left design:                Supply air connection LEFT (facing the operator side)



Hygiene requirements

The SupraBox COMFORT energy recovery unit corresponds to the current state of standardisation in accordance with VDI 6022. The units are smooth (coil coated inside and out - RAL 7035) and easy to clean.


The units have a sturdy frameless casing. The casing has a double-skinned design. The inner and outer panels are made of 1 mm galvanised steel sheet (coil coated). The insulation thickness is 40 mm.

Heat recovery

High efficiency counterflow heat exchangers with over 90% efficiency are utilised for heat recovery. Complete separation of the supply air and return air without odour transfer is ensured.


Fine dust filters of the F7 filter class for the supply air and the M5 class (formerly F5) for the return air are utilised as a standard feature. Quick-release clips allow for fast and easy filter changes.

Tube / duct connections

The connections are designed to be sufficiently large. The connection dimensions comply with the customary industrial standard nominal sizes (round connection up to SupraBox COMFORT 2000 H; square connection with SupraBox COMFORT 3500 H and SupraBox COMFORT 5000 H).

EC fans

Free-running impellers with backward curved centrifugal impellers and modern EC motors manufactured in-house allow for a quiet and energy-efficient operation of the entire series.

Integrated Control

The SupraBox COMFORT energy recovery units come standard with an integrated control. All internal unit components are already pre-wired. Temperature control is possible with an optionally available heater/cooler. Many control functions are integrated into the software and can also easily be subsequently activated. A control unit for setting the target values is included as standard.

Catalogue: Energy recovery units SupraBox COMFORT - File PDF: 8,48 MB
Operating manual: SupraBox COMFORT (H) - File PDF: 1,02 MB
Operating manual: Controller for SupraBox COMFORT - File PDF: 532 KB


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Rosenberg Italia Srl - Z.I.P.R. Via Armenia, 10 - 33078 San Vito al Tagliamento (PN) - Tel.: +39.0434.85445 - Fax: +39.0434.85475 - P.IVA 01131350934
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